Car horoscope for the week from December 26 to January 1


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  1. Autohoroscope from December 26 to January 1
    • Aries
    • calf
    • Twins
    • Cancer
    • a lion
    • Virgo
    • Libra
    • Scorpio
    • Sagittarius
    • Capricorn
    • Aquarius
    • Fish

Oh, and a jolly week is expected, the stars shout joyfully and advise drivers to be patient. It is not clear what is going on on the roads - even the well-known tube for testing for sobriety in confusion (New Year's bustle, what can you say here). Traffic police officers can only be pitied - they are scolded, they are not given money, or they even bite (the stars watched the news about the aggressive driver and were shocked). But the patrol guys do not lose their human appearance and just the other day they saved a drowning fisherman. Okay, something in heaven is distracted. In general, no one will get bored on the roads on these winter days.

Autohoroscope from December 26 to January 1


Aries, turn the steering wheel, but do not forget to look around. The stars promise you will have plenty of fun on the road these winter days. Either take a drunken Grandfather Frost from a party, then give a sober Snow Maiden to drink. So fill the trunk with champagne, and go. And do not forget to add more delicious fuel to the typewriter - the car is also not averse to enjoying life. Traffic cops do not offer alcohol this week - the patrol guys already have worries above the roof. By the way, when you drive into the garage, do not forget to check if all the passengers have left the cabin - suddenly Grandfather Frost is claustrophobic, and he will arrange such a new year that it will not seem a little.


Taurus, while the authorities are deciding whether our roads are for self-driving cars, you can safely go about your business. You and I know that our tracks are not adapted for anything, and a conversation on this topic does not make sense at all. If your iron horse starts to be capricious, do the following - stick snowflakes on the windows, decorate the wipers with tinsel, and instead of a nodding dog, hang a dancing Christmas tree. You will see, the machine will instantly cheer up and rush with a breeze to any destination. In addition, a lot of breeze is expected on these December and January days - forecasters do not celebrate the New Year at all, and predict all sorts of nonsense.


Gemini, the stars strongly recommend: buy a helicopter and hire a pilot - not only are there traffic jams on the highways, but some roads will be blocked due to the New Year holidays. Although it is also unsafe to navigate the sky this week, a champagne cork or a spark from a fireworks will come and see. Ideally: decorate the garage, call your friends and neighbors, and walk until the new year. Just do not be surprised when you see your favorite car shaking from a severe hangover on the first day - an unforgettable sight. Your funny car will also call for familiar iron horses, you can't get enough gas for everyone.


Cancers, do not forget that our rules and laws exist solely for someone to break them. For example, this week the traffic cops remembered their mission and cleverly hid behind every bush. They also dressed up the trees, as it should be - with balls and tinsel. It would be better if the wands were wrapped, everything is more fun. But you are not threatened with meeting traffic police officers - even the stars are delighted with your virtuoso driving. The road situation in general will be good, but on the last day of the monkey year it is better to use a taxi. And where to go - the dumplings are ready, the vodka is getting cold, and the car is dancing merrily in the warm garage.

A lion

Lions, tell others who you are according to the horoscope - the machine is not against the fact that you stick a lion's face on the glass. And the opinion of the traffic cops can be ignored - even more so, and the holiday is on the nose, even if you put on a mask, no one will say a word. It will be fun to stand in traffic jams this week - if the drivers somehow control themselves, then the passengers have gone for a walk in full. Someone is dancing merrily on the hood, someone has climbed into the trunk and is trying to pretend that he is completely sober. And the poor traffic cops keep baby champagne instead of wands, although ... the stars doubt that a few extra degrees have not been added to these bottles.


Virgo, drive carefully and do not forget to beep in response to the greeting gestures of the traffic police. You probably already know which animal year is coming this week? So, the stars advise not to congratulate the traffic cops on the upcoming holiday - they are sentimental and very impressionable guys, they suddenly decide that you are calling names. Although, what is offensive here, Cockerel is a beautiful bird, quite peaceful and domestic. In order not to get bored on the roads, take care of driving all sorts of fairy-tale characters, the main thing is to make sure that the suit of fellow travelers is not too voluminous. And then some bun will climb into the salon, and stay there until he loses weight.


Libra, this week is going to be fun, active and eventful. You will have to ride a lot, but do not be discouraged - passengers will pay for gasoline and entertain them with interesting conversations, and they will also accidentally drag them to an event. But do not leave the car unattended - the poor fellow hijackers never celebrate the holidays, but work in the sweat of their brow. There, remove the wheels, take out the radio tape recorder here or twist the numbers - sheer worries, there is no time for festivities. You can buy New Year's calendars and tangerines - give to everyone who gets in the way, just don't throw orange goodies on pedestrians, they won't appreciate the surprise anyway.


Scorpios, this week it will seem to you that you are driving not on the roads, but in the forest. And how else - Christmas trees at every turn: they stick out of the trunks, then protrude from the interiors of cars, or even stand right on the tracks, dressed up and sparkling. Look carefully, literally in a kilometer you will meet a round dance of cheerful traffic cops. Instead of wands, they have sticks of smoked sausage, red caps on their heads, and their uniforms are beyond all praise: all in sparkles and rhinestones (well, at least they didn't dress up in feathery costumes, that would be fun). Still, instead of fines, they would write coupons for free meals in honor of the holidays.


Sagittarius, this week is going to be a strange and interesting phenomenon. Thieves motorists will urgently want to change the numbers and knock out the numbers 2017. True, for some reason no one orders the letters COCK. But this is all lyrics, and if in fact, then you will find many adventures and funny situations. If you decide to buy a live Christmas tree, then go straight to the nearest forest. The stars know it's illegal, but the prices of green beauties have gotten too biting. In the woods you will meet motorists - there are already crowds of drivers near the trees. Start your own business - arrange a paid parking lot right in the forest, let them settle with branches, and at home just twist them with a wire.


Capricorns, oh, and it was a hectic year - there was a monkey on the throne, what can I say. But bear with your car for a week, the cockerel is about to come rushing by. Do not rush to celebrate the holiday, especially refrain from taking on the chest on the way. But you can pamper the iron horse - the machine will gladly drink delicious butter, the main thing is to find it more expensive and of better quality. On these winter days, the roads will be full of weirdos - some comrades will decide to be original and paint the cars green, other drivers will grow beards altogether and will condescendingly glance at shaved drivers and auto-ladies who, with all their desire, cannot wear a mustache and stubble ...


Aquarians, do not rush to put the car in the garage and wrap it in a warm blanket - the stars say that kilometers of roads await you on these winter days.Your friends began to celebrate the holidays from the beginning of the week - one must be taken from the party, the other from the guests, and the third is somehow lost in the forest and is about to hide in a snowdrift from the bears invented out of fear. Make sure that your friends do not get seasick while traveling, and most importantly, do not play New Year's songs for them. Otherwise, they will decide that the holiday continues, and arrange real fun in the car - with fireworks and dancing. Or, in general, they will undertake to fry a shish kebab right in the cabin, and a four-wheeled friend will definitely not like it.


Fish, take out holiday covers, embroider snowflakes on carpets in the salon - you will have many road adventures. For free representatives of the star sign, they predict a New Year's acquaintance - there is a chance to dance with the long-awaited half. Well, if your beloved family is waiting at home, you will have to ride from store to store. How do you want ?! By the way, if you meet traffic cops stuck in a snowdrift, slow down - they will thank you so much for your help that you can ride without a license and not be afraid of retaliation for the whole next year. But seriously, just help everyone in need - the pluses in karma will not interfere with either you or your beloved and beloved iron horse.

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