Have Russian roads become safer?


The content of the article:

  • Statistical data of the traffic police for 2016
  • The most common causes of road accidents
  • Secondary causes of accidents
  • Road safety: who is to blame and what to do
  • Measures taken

The impressive percentage of road accidents does not surprise anyone, this is the most dangerous way to travel. More people die as a result of car accidents than with the participation of any other transport - air, rail, sea.

Statistical data of the traffic police for 2016

According to the statement of the head of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Russian Federation V. Nilov, the number of car accidents over the past year has significantly decreased.

The traffic police regularly collects and processes information about accidents on the roads of the country - this approach allows you to identify the most "dangerous zones" and in the future give them increased attention. Such information makes it possible to track changes on the roads and in the behavior of drivers and pedestrians.

According to statistics for 2016, the number of fatalities due to road accidents decreased by 12.1%, which amounted to about 3 thousand people. For comparison: in 2015, 23 114 people died on the roads, in 2016 - 20 308 people.

In the situation with the total number of accidents, an improvement is also observed - the number of accidents has decreased by 5.6%.

According to the data presented, the number of pedestrians who were injured (through the fault of drivers or their own) also decreased - those who died by 17.3%, and those who were injured - by 7.4%.

According to representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate, the situation on the roads has been steadily improving every year over the past few years. But is it really so? Do the numbers reflect the actual position on the roadway? What determines road safety and what should be paid attention to to improve it?

The most common causes of road accidents

There are plenty of reasons that provoke accidents. All of them can be conditionally divided into major and minor. The main ones include violation of the rules and the condition of the roadway.

Violation of traffic rules

“Maybe I’ll slip on the red one”, “Maybe I’ll overtake on a prohibited area”, etc. are some of the most common and dangerous causes of accidents. For some reason, the driver only thinks about what he will slip through, but almost no attention is paid to this aspect of whether a pedestrian or another car will dodge his car. According to statistics, from 80 to 90% of accidents occur precisely because of such traffic violations.

There are two main categories of offenders - harmless and aggressive. Car owners of the first category pose practically no threat. They only release liberties in driving in a situation where it cannot harm anyone (at least in theory). For example, they can slip through a red crossing or through a pedestrian crossing on a deserted street.

Drivers of the second category are sure that the rules of the road were written only so that "the traffic cops had something to cut down money for." And if this very traffic cop is not visible on the horizon, then such a driver will stop at nothing, not only in a figurative, but often in a literal sense. It is the fans of this driving style that become the most frequent cause of accidents.

But there is also a third type of violator - the unconscious. They do not aim to assert themselves through defiant behavior, they simply do not see a reason to follow the rules, if there is an opportunity to ignore them. Such motorists, as they say, hope for a Russian "maybe". And this makes them dangerous, because by the behavior of such drivers it is difficult to guess in advance what they might do next. An aggressive intruder is much easier to spot (and stay alert).

Roadbed condition

As everyone knows, there are two problems in Russia. We described the first of them above, and the second is the condition of the roads. Despite the fact that work on improving the road surface has been carried out more intensively in recent years, it is still very far from ideal. Pits, potholes, bumps, not reinforced shoulders - all this affects safety in a bad way.

And if we add here poor lighting at pedestrian crossings and in crowded places, faulty traffic lights, etc., then one should not be surprised at the high percentage of accidents.

According to some reports, about 60% of roads in Russia are in poor condition and require thorough repair or replacement of the roadbed.

Even separately, these two problems occupy leading positions in the TOP of the causes of road accidents. But they “work” in tandem every day.

Secondary causes of accidents

Mobile use while driving

It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that every driver broke this rule. No matter how harmless this act may seem, it can, if not provoke an accident, then slow down the driver's reaction in the event of an emergency. And it's not just that one hand is busy with the phone; a person during a conversation is carried away by the conversation itself, and not the road, and it will not work quickly to switch from one to another in an emergency.

Drunk driving

A real scourge of domestic highways. Several thousand people die every year from the hands, or rather the wheels, of drunk drivers. Despite the strict measures taken by the traffic police in this direction, the number of drunken driving is not decreasing as intensively as we would like.

A drunk driver is even more dangerous than an aggressive traffic offender, as he often becomes, because he is in the “knee-deep” stage and is ready for “great deeds”. And all this is complete with impaired coordination and delayed reaction.

Drivers under the influence of psychotropic, narcotic and similar substances also fall into this category.

Car malfunction

Great attention is paid to the quality and timeliness of technical inspections, but this does not give guarantees. Accidents due to malfunction of the braking and other systems are quite common.

Aggressive driving

Here we are talking not so much about breaking the rules as about non-observance of moral and ethical standards. For many drivers, it is quite natural to cut off another car or not let a pedestrian pass, even if it is an otherwise diligent and disciplined road user.

Lack of practice

Even as an ideal driver under the supervision of an instructor and on the track, it is difficult to adapt to the realities of city roads and highways. Here you need not only to know the rules, but also to be able to quickly navigate the situation, which is especially difficult for novice drivers. Sluggish reactions or confusion are often the cause of severe road accidents.

Pedestrian behavior

All of the above applies not only to those who are behind the wheel. In recent years, tight control by the traffic police, or at least fear of fines, drivers have become more disciplined and responsible.

But with regard to pedestrians, the situation is different. To jump out onto the carriageway from around the corner, not to wait for the permitting signal of the traffic light, or simply to be guided by the rule “do not tram - will go around” is in the order of things for many. Therefore, pedestrians are much more often than we would like to be not only participants, but also the perpetrators of road accidents.


If an adult pedestrian, jumping out from around the corner, is still afraid of being knocked down and is ready to jump onto the sidewalk at any moment, then children neglect even minimal caution.

Moreover, the situation is aggravated by psychological factors - many drivers (especially women) are afraid of the "prospect" of hitting a child much more than an accident involving an adult. And a motorist paralyzed with terror in an emergency will miss the opportunity to avoid a collision, even if it presents itself.

Psychological factor

No matter how hackneyed this topic may be, it will have to be repeated - mentality plays a significant role in the life of the country and on the road in particular. A raid of slovenliness, non-recognition of authorities / rules, the hope for the same "maybe" and the desire for recklessness are pronounced features of a Russian (and not only) citizen, whether he is a participant in automobile or pedestrian traffic. Too many people comply with traffic rules only for fear of penalties and are ready to violate them at any time.

Road safety: who is to blame and what to do

Despite the statistics and assurances from the traffic police to improve the situation on the roads, road safety in Russia is far from ideal. Car owners blame the authorities for everything, as the road arrangement leaves much to be desired, the authorities blame motorists, for whom violation of the rules is almost the norm. And the result of this confrontation is a high level of risk of road accidents, as everyone tries to blame the other, forgetting about their responsibilities.

Road safety can be ensured only by a set of measures that increase the level of protection of road users from road accidents and their consequences. And everyone should take part in this event, from the body that allocates funds for the maintenance of roads, and ending with pedestrians.

What factors affecting the level of risk of road accidents are receiving increased attention:

  1. Compliance with traffic rules by both drivers and pedestrians.
  2. Timely repair and road marking. On road sections with correctly marked markings and installed reflective guide posts, the number of road accidents is significantly lower, despite the higher vehicle speed.
  3. Construction of road networks that are easy to use and meet safety requirements.
  4. Timely installation and maintenance of traffic lights, lighting elements and road signs.
  5. Monitoring the technical condition of vehicles and timely troubleshooting.
  6. Requirement for the presence of reflective elements for pedestrians at night on unlit and unsuitable for walking sections of the road.
  7. Control and improvement of the set of rules of the road and the work of traffic police officers.

Intensive work on these problems allowed, if not idealizing, then at least improving the situation on the roads.

Measures taken

In recent years, the working functions of the State Traffic Inspectorate have undergone significant changes and improvements. Moreover, the direction of these changes was not limited to the identification and punishment of violators.

In addition to tougher penalties for traffic violations, more attention has been paid to eradicating drunkenness while driving. The traffic police not only carry out regular "general" checks of drivers for the content of alcohol in the blood. Health professionals, media representatives and even civilian volunteers are involved in prevention activities.

In addition, a number of activities are aimed at promoting safe driving. No matter how useless advertising billboards and the constant repetition of common truths in the media and the Internet may seem, regular reminders of the danger and the possibility of avoiding it do their job. Many drivers and pedestrians have become more attentive and disciplined.

Children on the road

The worst nightmare of any driver is a child suddenly appearing on the road. Unfortunately, the childhood of many modern parents happened at a time when playing on the roadway was, if not the norm, then quite acceptable freedom, and ignoring the "zebra" was common.

Therefore, the child's acquaintance with the rules of the road often occurs independently and, unfortunately, too late. This problem has also received more attention - traffic police officers conduct conversations in schools and kindergartens, training events are organized with the participation of volunteers and traffic police officers, children from an early age learn the rules both theoretically and in practice.

Yes, it has become safer on Russian roads, but not safe. If you look closely at the statistics, the improvements presented are only the first step of a long and difficult journey. The 12% reduction in mortality is certainly progress and cause for joy. But would the other 88% agree with this? It is necessary to work hard on the presented problem so that the number of those who replenished these same 88% decreases every year.
