TOP-5 programs for car repair and maintenance


The content of the article:

  • Understanding the terminology
  • What the market offers

The design of cars is becoming more and more complex. Cars not only of different manufacturers, but also of different models within the same company are more and more different, and repairing cars without the appropriate documentation is practically useless - finding the necessary information will take a very long time.

Troubleshooting is a very important point in the work of a car service. If the problem is identified incorrectly, it can lead to problems with the repair and to the loss of the reputation of the workshop. That is why the availability of high-quality electronic software in a car service is extremely important. What does the information technology market offer in this segment?

Understanding the terminology of car repair programs

Before proceeding to the story about auto repair programs, you should understand the terminology. To diagnose malfunctions, software is used, which consists of the program itself and the database with which this program works.

A database is a systematized information necessary for car repair, which is structured and stored electronically. The software database can store:

  • types of repair work;
  • a list of spare parts with an indication of their markings and belonging to a particular brand (model) of a car;
  • time spent on carrying out a certain type of repair and many other sections.

There are databases that store information about only one car brand, or multi-brand.

The program works with an electronic database, one or more. The efficiency of diagnostics and, ultimately, the quality of work depends on what kind of databases they operate at a car service.

Naturally, the software costs money, and the database costs money. Therefore, it is beneficial for car services to purchase software that does not use a single database, but has the ability to subsequently load other databases that can be bribed and updated over time.

Interface platform

All modern developers offer programs that can be installed under various operating systems, mainly Windows, Android, MacOS. These programs are designed to work with a single database.

That is, when purchasing software, the user must indicate on which operating system he is going to install it.

Interface implementation language

Considering the peculiarities of the development of the automotive industry in the world, there is nothing surprising in the fact that initially the programs and databases were implemented in English, German, Italian. For obvious reasons, programs with a Russian-language or multilingual interface are preferred in Russia.

Unfortunately, there are many programs and databases on the market that do not have a Russian translation or are translated extremely unprofessionally. Such programs are inconvenient to use. Moreover, an incorrect or incomplete translation can not only complicate the work, but also cause significant harm.

One can hear remarks that English-language software is enough. But according to statistics, there are not many auto mechanics in our country who are fluent in English. This means that the information received from the program may be misunderstood or not fully understood.

Of course, information in the native language does not guarantee one hundred percent quality of the repair, but it still reduces the risk of wrong actions.

Database location

For the software to work well, it is important that it only uses the most up-to-date databases. At the current level of technology development, there are two options for storing databases: on a personal computer (laptop, tablet) or on the Internet.

Even at the dawn of the development of the Internet, the "father" of Internet technologies, Bill Gates, pointed out that the ideal program is one that relies not on a local database in its work, but on a constantly updated database located on the network. This is correct because new models, new parts are constantly being released, and a program that uses up-to-date information will be more effective.

On the other hand, the location of the database on the Internet means that outdated data can quickly "disappear" from it, and this will make it difficult to diagnose outdated models.

Another point is the cost of software maintenance, which will include database maintenance. It is up to the owner to decide which program to choose, but in any case, these nuances should be taken into account.

The best car repair and maintenance programs

Today on the market there is a mass of software for car repair, both "handicraft" and highly professional. Let's consider the five most frequently used by domestic specialists.

1. Alldata

Photo: AllData interface

Official website:
According to experts, this is the most complete and detailed database of all information technologies present on our market. It was created in the USA and has a division by region and manufacturer.

The database has detailed information on mechanics, spare parts, electrical parts of the car. At the service of users - installation and schematic diagrams, wiring diagrams.

Mainly, the Alldata database has information on American and European cars. True, the European models here are only those that are produced for delivery to the States.

Initially, the database was distributed on disks. Over time, the size of the database has become very large. Since 2013, an online version with a location on the Internet has been used. The database is about 600 gigabytes in size. The online database includes, in addition to the data itself, up-to-date service newsletters.

Of the minuses of the database, it is worth mentioning that there is no version officially translated into Russian, basically we have a pirated version. This database does not contain descriptions of models produced for the intra-European car market and Japan.

2. Mitchell On Demand Car Repair Program

Photo: Mitchell On Demand interface

Official website:
One of the best databases in terms of coverage of car manufacturers. Also American, for this reason most of the information concerns primarily "natural Americans" and American auto brands produced in Europe and Asia.

The indisputable merit of Mitchell is that it contains information about cars of old brands that were once exported from Europe to the American continent.

This database was transferred online a year earlier than Alldata, but nevertheless, all data on old car models has been saved in it to this day.

Mitchell also contains comprehensive information on mechanical and electrical parts, schematics (including color). The online version periodically issues service bulletins.

The disadvantages of the base for our service stations completely coincide with the disadvantages of Alldata.

3. Motordata - vehicle diagnostics and repair database

Photo: Motordata interface

Official / download the program:
This program deserves special attention if only because it has a Russian-language interface. The program was created in Russia, therefore, on the one hand, it is not entirely correct to compare it with American systems, but it is worth noting the fact that it was made taking into account precisely Russian realities.

Motordata contains information about those brands of cars that are "not counted" in American systems: here you can get data about cars in Russia, Korea, Japan and China.

Users note that the filling of the database is still rather weak, but the developers are constantly expanding it. There are colored electrical diagrams here, it is possible to trace the wiring in order to localize the malfunction.

The online version of the program is designed for domestic "weak" Internet channels, so it is easy to use where there is no way to have high-quality Internet.

Of the minuses of the Russian program, the first place is the lack of data related to mechanics, as well as the lack of a description of car models produced by European concerns.

Experts note that Motordata is used along with one of the American bases described above in order to cover the maximum number of car models.

Program overview:

4. Autodata Online

Photo: Alldata Online interface

Official website:
This software covers almost the entire European vehicle range. An interesting feature of the program is that it contains information on maintenance regulations and temporary work norms.

Mandatory data on electrical diagnostics, as well as an emphasis on daily maintenance - the "calling card" of the brand.

Unfortunately, this software is more capricious about "narrow" Internet channels, on which its work is significantly hampered. The Autodata Online database does not contain up-to-date wiring diagrams for vehicles in Japan, China and Russia.

5. Bosch ESI Tronic program for car repair and maintenance

Photo: Bosch ESI Tronic interface

Official website:
This program is well known in the domestic software market. However, its use is associated with a number of peculiarities: the program is highly dependent on diagnostic equipment, it is "sharpened" for Bosch's own equipment.

The manufacturer's scanners initially contain data or require the installation of their own block of information on a personal computer. Manufacturers' policy includes requiring annual software updates; otherwise, the program is blocked. That is, in fact, Bosch offers a diagnostic and repair program for a year, and then it needs to be updated.

The program contains many information blocks, including a list of spare parts for mechanics, electricians, obsolete models. An interesting feature of the module is a block that allows you to diagnose the operation of removed assemblies and components. The relevance of the data also allows you to keep the existing prices for parts.

But the cost of Bosch, to put it mildly, "bites" in comparison with the previous systems described. This is due to the annual database updates. Prices from 20-30 thousand rubles.

Summing up the review, it should be noted that a professional, most likely, will not do with one system, since none of them covers the entire variety of automakers and models. For optimal operation of the workshop, you will need a database of American origin, as well as a database with Russian, Asian and European cars.
